Episode # 4 Meighen Hodgen: From Humble Beginnings to Accomplished School Owner

Nick Castiglia (00:01.442)
What's up everybody? Nick Castiglia here from Legacy Martial Arts Consulting on our Martial Arts Business Podcast. We are here with the amazing Megan Hodgen from Diamond MMA and Fitness. How are you doing, Megan?

Nick Castiglia (00:24.878)
Great. So Megan, you know, like we were just talking a little bit just prior. And I think like, um, your story is, is very like inspirational. I think to anybody for a multitude of reasons, but especially like young females, young female entrepreneurs, because you, you started your gym at like 22 years old. Is that right?

Nick Castiglia (00:54.598)
Yeah, so like 22 for me, I was gone. Yeah, yeah, like I was like a gong show at 22. So that's amazing. Why don't you take us through like, how did Diamond start? Like how did it come to be, you know, and like how exactly did it start?

Nick Castiglia (02:08.204)
I'm going to go ahead and turn it over to you. So, I'm going to go ahead and turn it over to you. So, I'm

Nick Castiglia (02:51.502)
Thank you.

Nick Castiglia (03:01.613)
So you started on top of this like, like building like on top of a venue, super, super hot, like, and what were you offering at the beginning? Were you just offering like boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu? Like what, like what were you offering in the beginning?

Nick Castiglia (04:45.614)
Thank you.

Nick Castiglia (06:06.483)
Nice, so...

Nick Castiglia (06:10.342)
Okay, so, you know, we start first we started in the humble beginnings of like the top floor, rough space, then we go to a better space then takes you to the community. I'd say the Strathcona paper center. That's a fancy name for like the community center where that has a hockey rink, high traffic area, right?

Nick Castiglia (06:42.826)
Yeah, like, and I think this is important to talk about, me and you have talked about it over the years a lot too, where it's, you know, and because like, I think people don't think about this a lot, like that location is an extremely high traffic area. Wouldn't you agree?

Nick Castiglia (07:27.146)
And do you think that has really had a positive effect for your business to be able to capitalize on all those people coming in, coming out, hockey, filling up your summer camps and filling up some of your programs as well?

Nick Castiglia (09:03.414)
Yeah, you know, like I think something that you do well that not a lot of other martial arts schools do well, and some people try and capitalize on, maybe you can touch on this a bit is, um, is that personal fitness training, you know, like, and correct me if I'm wrong, like I would say that that's like, uh, you know, pretty big, you know, pretty big source of income for your business as well as your fitness facility and the classes you run in your fitness.

area and the private training that's offered as well. Like, what do you think it is that you're doing different that like makes you successful in a martial arts school with your fitness training? What do you think the difference is between you and everybody else and why you're able to make that so successful for you and Diamond?

Nick Castiglia (12:11.382)
Yeah, so in other words you're maximizing you're maximizing all the space you have and you're maximizing the times You know that you have it, you know a question I have many questions But another question I have is like you see a lot of overlap from getting Like when the kids are training getting the parents into the fitness area or some type of fitness class During the kids class. Do you see a lot of success with that? What's your experience with that? And do you do something like that?

Nick Castiglia (13:56.846)
That's awesome. Okay, so you took us to, you open up your new location. What are like, what are some of the challenges you face in the early days? You know, you're, you're headed, you know, you're, you just moved into your new location. You got a couple of training areas there. You got your fitness area, you got your striking area. Then you have a flex room, you know, for a couple of different programs that you could run in there, whatever you decide.

What were some of the challenges that you had? Like, give me like your top two or three challenges that you had to face, you know, like maybe throughout your whole, you know, time of being a gym owner. Like, what did you find where like, say what your top three challenges that you had to go through and how did you overcome?

Nick Castiglia (17:01.121)
Thank you.

Nick Castiglia (19:00.382)
I think...

Nick Castiglia (19:04.35)
You know, I have the unfair, you know, advantage, especially like in this, in this interview, because like, I know you quite well, I've been working with you for a long time, um, but I think it was kind of like, bittersweet for you. And then it's better for all of us, but I think there was like a sweet part for you because I believe and correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you decide at that time, that's when you went all in, in the gym, like there is no other job after that, like.

because of when COVID happened. Am I recalling this correctly? You went all in, COVID happened, there's some crazy, hey, you do this, basically threatening us to receive vaccinations, and you're just like, you know what? I think it's time for me to go all in the gym, not trying to make this political podcast, but I think that this point is

really important to highlight and I'm going to touch a bit more about that in a second. But do I remember correctly? Was that when you did that?

Nick Castiglia (20:55.51)
Yeah, so like, I think this is like a really important part and it's a really important lesson for people listening. You went all in at possibly the hardest time in history. Like, that's when you went all in. You know, it's like the cards are stacked against us. The government is shutting our business down because we're in the fitness industry. We're teaching on screens, which...

as you know, is not the same to keep people engaged in wanting to do things. And you're like, I'm all in like that, you know, that for me says, you know, many things like one, just like the self belief, like doubling down on yourself, like kudos to you because that is, that is, I don't think a lot of people will have done that. I think that's a super valuable lesson for people to hear because like

how many people, now there's no COVID, right? So say somebody's listening to this podcast, they're interested in martial arts business.

They're not going all in and there's no barriers in front of them. Maybe this is a story they need to hear to go like all in on themselves. Because like you went all in when it was like, everything was stacked against us. And guess what? Like you're out there now living your best life, successful gym owner. Like the gym is bumping. Like we're just talking the other day, you're, you're going to have to put in wait lists for some of your programs.

Like I just think that's such a valuable point that like people need to hear. And even also like I think a lot of young females need to hear it too, you know, so that they believe in themselves. They can do this. They got to get up and go, you know, like you're an inspiration in that way. Did you ever reflect and think about that?

Nick Castiglia (26:19.4)
Massive summer camp program. Massive summer camp program.

Nick Castiglia (27:00.842)
Yeah, that's awesome. That's man. And I applaud you because I agree like the martial arts industry, as much as the world has changed and is headed in a more equal direction for all, I believe especially for women and women in the martial arts as well. There's a ton of female representation now in professional combat sports and.

they rival the guys, you know, in a lot of ways as well. And there is still that egotistical machismo attitude, you know, like it's still there and you still got to deal with it. Like, what would you say, you know, like what would you say to like a young female who's like facing these same struggles?

in the martial arts industry in any facet as a student, as an instructor, as an entrepreneur, what would you say to them?

Nick Castiglia (29:10.462)
Yeah, that's amazing. That's amazing. Okay, so, you know, we hear the story of diamond. Overcome COVID. I remember that. It's great. It's crazy. I think I think in a lot of ways, I'm sure you agree people are still recovering from that because everybody took such a hit during those two years, you know. You know, now your gyms

you know, back to being bumping. If, you know, you're talking to other gym owners, other potential gym owners, people who are thinking about opening their own gym, people who have their own gym, but they're like, man, I don't know what I'm doing, you know, and having a tough time. What are like your three or four quick tips or pieces of advice or things you wish you knew? Things you wish you knew when you started.

What would those three or four things be?

Nick Castiglia (32:17.838)
Thanks for watching!

Nick Castiglia (33:25.774)
Okay, so we got systems, we got balance. One thing I'd like to tie in on the balance is like, we address you in legacy as two things, the queen of grants, okay? Which is like, you're definitely the person who has mastered finding different grants to support your business. And also, one thing I speak very highly about, I think you've got it down better than anybody, to be honest.

of all my clients is you have, you're very sensitive to know when you need more time for yourself or for your family or for significant others in your life. And you're very systematic in finding that time. And I think I'm sure you agree, it helps recharge you for the business. And I think something we forget, it's like...

business owners, like we didn't start a business to own a job. You know, we started a business to own a business, not to own a job. And, and us doing those things is our why. That's the why. And I think we need to enjoy the why. What do you think?

Nick Castiglia (35:20.715)
So systems, balance, any other advice, any other lessons that you wish you knew before or any other advice you would give to, you know, people may be struggling, you know, with the martial arts school.

Nick Castiglia (36:41.26)
So yeah, listening to your gut. Anything else you want to share and advice you give to others?

Nick Castiglia (39:07.839)
I'm going to stop here.

Nick Castiglia (39:30.27)
Yeah, I really love you touch on the niche because I think, you know, and this is what this is one of the reasons, you know, I started the podcast one because there's not, you know, there's not a lot out there that's interviewing successful martial arts school owners. Number one, number two, there's so many different ways to be quote unquote successful, you know, and I love that you said you found your niche. It's like find.

Find what makes you you. Find what makes your gym your gym, that you love, that your passion's in. And let's go with that. Let's make a business out of that. Instead of like, oh okay, like every martial arts school is like, full of kids programs. Yeah, some martial arts schools are full of kids programs. But like me growing up, like the original gym that I was a part of, like way back in the day, Ottawa Academy of Martial Arts, when it first started,

It was like heavy adult programs. It wasn't, we didn't have a ton of kids. We were very, very heavy adult oriented. And I think like the thing that's important to know is that like, you can be successful in whatever type of niche that you want to be with your gym, but it's gotta resonate with you. I find too many people, they lose themselves in choosing something, oh, because everybody else does it, or I'm gonna make lots of money if I do this, like.

If your heart's not in the right place behind it, it's not gonna, you know, like it's just not gonna work out. It never does, you know what I mean?

Nick Castiglia (41:09.57)
That's right.

Nick Castiglia (42:40.303)
I think you know the you know I'm thinking of two words that come to mind connection people want to feel a connection and people want community those are the two words that are like coming to mind when to me when you're explaining those things and I agree with you a hundred percent okay only two more questions biggest accomplishment what is you know and I know sometimes it's hard to pick one so if you say more than what that's fine what do you feel for yourself

is your biggest accomplishment or some of your biggest slash favorite because that's usually what it breaks down to some of your favorite accomplishments.

Nick Castiglia (46:18.126)
Yeah, that man I kind of ties in my last question my last, you know, okay, so I'll add one more question. So second last question, I think you kind of touched on it, but was my next question was going to be what did you what do you find the most fulfillment from through doing what you're doing? But I'm pretty sure you just you just kind of answered that where it's like the impact that we're having on people's lives, kids, parents, young adults.

like changing people's lives. And I think it's something that's really important for everybody to know too, especially gym owners watching this, is like some people are only meant to, they come to you for a reason or a season. They're not always gonna be there forever. And sometimes you're just there to fulfill the need to help them through with whatever struggle they're going through at that time or to give them a certain tool.

for them to believe in themselves, while they're with you, whatever it is. Would you agree with that, Megan?

Nick Castiglia (48:00.151)
The last, yeah, my last question for you was, what's the future now? What's the future for Diamond now going forward?

Nick Castiglia (50:51.739)
I think, you know, I'm so happy to touch on the goals because people underestimate the power of goal setting. And as you know, we have a pretty extensive exercise that I have to chase and make sure every client does, you know, and it's, it takes a long time. It sometimes takes people.

10 weeks because our goals change and things change. And then we, at the end of the year, we're setting the goals for the upcoming year. And then literally we're walking through quarter by quarter, you know, where are we at? Where are we at? Let's do a goal checklist review. Where are we at for these things? You know, especially, you know, we talk about financial goals, which is a little bit easier to look and measure, but, you know, I'm so happy you touched on that. And as you've seen, most of the goals, you know, we have that saying, you know,

corny, goals we set are the goals we get, you know, and I find like, you must agree with that. Like we've done goal setting since we've been working together and it's like, it's the closest thing to magic that you can get. Like you write it down, you check on it, it reminds you to do the thing you need to do. Like it's so important in your business's success.

Amazing. I want to thank you. I want to thank you, Megan. Is there any last message you want to say before we do a send off from the Legacy Martial Arts Business Podcast?

Nick Castiglia (53:00.014)
Thank you so much, Megan. Signing off here, Legacy Martial Arts Business Podcast. Guys, if you want more information of some of the free things that we offer, you can check us out in our Facebook group, Martial Arts Gym Owners United. You can check out our link, mart All right, talk to you soon, everybody. Great podcast. Thank you so much, Megan, and signing off.

Episode # 4 Meighen Hodgen: From Humble Beginnings to Accomplished School Owner
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