Episode # 4 Meighen Hodgen: From Humble beginnings to accomplished School Owner

In this episode, Nick Castiglia interviews Megan Hodgen from Diamond MMA and Fitness. Megan shares her inspirational journey of starting her gym at a young age and overcoming challenges. The conversation covers topics such as the initial offerings of Diamond MMA, moving to a new location, success in personal fitness training, maximizing space and overlapping programs, challenges in the early days, going all in during COVID, lessons learned, impact on young females, advice for gym owners, finding balance and fulfillment, the importance of niche and connection, advice for struggling gym owners, biggest accomplishments, fulfillment from impacting lives, future plans for Diamond MMA, and the power of goal setting.

  • Starting a gym at a young age is possible with determination and passion.
  • Maximizing space and offering personal fitness training can be a successful source of income for a martial arts school.
  • Location plays a crucial role in attracting customers and filling up programs.
  • Going all in during challenging times can lead to success and inspire others.
  • Finding a niche and creating a sense of community are important for gym owners.
  • Goal setting is a powerful tool for business success.
Episode # 4 Meighen Hodgen: From Humble beginnings to accomplished School Owner
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